Researchers from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and their collaborators are investigating the molecular regulatory disturbances underlying development of Type 2 diabetes amongst Asian populations.
Researchers from NUS are proposing a privacy-preserved data fusion algorithm for traffic state estimation (FedTSE) to facilitate collaboration and data sharing between multiple data owners…
New 2D materials are being discovered every day. At the NUS Centre for Advanced 2D Materials (CA2DM), researchers have been building up a database of 6,000 candidate 2D…
Doctors and researchers at the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) are using a supercomputer to analyse the brain tumour genome of individual patients. The data could…
The Enzyme Function Initiative (EFI) is a large-scale collaborative project looking at charting and compiling a database of enzymes functions. NUS’ SINERGY is now part of the…
With the help of supercomputing resources from NSCC, researchers from the GenomeAsia 100K project published the data in the Nature journal. The study also highlighted the…
The analysis of this genetic data helps researchers expand the understanding of the biology of diseases that affect Singaporeans. A new study – said to be the largest…
Synchrotron for Neuroscience – an Asia Pacific Strategic Enterprise (SYNAPSE) is an international project that is aiming to create a comprehensive ultra-high resolution 3D map of…
Using the ASPIRE 1 supercomputer, the tool was used to create a complete three-dimensional (3D) air flow simulation encompassing Singapore’s built environment. A research team…
Developing advanced functional polymer particles for enhanced flow assurance through the use of NSCC’s supercomputing resources. Around 60% of oil deposits remain unrecovered in…
Leveraging NSCC’s supercomputing resources to unravel the underlying physics in complex flows. The study of flow instability determines how an undisturbed flow transitions to…
The genomic study of the horseshoe crab, which was done using NSCC’s supercomputing resources, can help in the conservation of the horseshoe crab and decipher its remarkably…
Using supercomputers to study the various aspects of fuel utilisation in shipping helps combat pollution The drive for enhanced energy efficiency, lower pollution and…
Tapping on NSCC’s supercomputing resources to preserve ecosystems and strengthen natural resilience Due to extensive land reclamation, much of Singapore’s original coastal…
Studying the dispersion of droplets in environmental transmission using supercomputers is helping researchers better understand what happens when a person coughs, in order to…
Using NSCC’s supercomputing resources, researchers in Singapore are using complex computer models to look at how climate and weather impact the region The latest climate…
Tapping NSCC’s supercomputer to support the surveillance and control of vector-borne and environment-related diseases like dengue in Singapore. In July, the number of dengue…
Researchers employ NSCC’s supercomputer to better understand mutational signatures in human cancers and to explore ways to reduce the risk of cancer. Mutagenesis is a major cause…
Unlocking the interactive physics in two-phase chemically reacting flows with NSCC’s high performance computing resources to mitigate fires in buildings and enclosed spaces. Fire…
Researchers employ NSCC’s supercomputer and high performance computing (HPC) to monitor glucose levels in diabetes patients and to explore ways to reduce the risk of diabetes….
NSCC’s supercomputer help analyse the Asian skin microbiome in order to develop products to improve skin treatments and maintain skin health. Our skin harbours a complex…
Strengthening the safety and robustness of AI in self-driving vehicles using NSCC’s high performance computing resources. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are gaining…
NSCC’s supercomputer is being used to accelerate the analysis of the evolutionary history and biogeography of ‘ancient’ trapdoor spiders so that they can be used as a model…
A team from Duke-NUS Medical School is using supercomputers to aid in the building of a molecular ‘atlas’ for sperm generation to better understand human male infertility and…
Researchers from A*STAR leverage NSCC’s supercomputer to stratify illness and subtypes in psychiatric disorders in order to facilitate better diagnosis and monitoring. Mental…
NSCC’s supercomputer helps perform high-throughput computations to accelerate the process of alloy development and to make it more cost effective. Traditional pathways in the…
The Reef Ecology Lab at NUS leverages NSCC’s supercomputing capabilities for marine genomic analyses to better understand and design solutions for marine conservation in…
Utilising high performance computing to understand the life cycle of Influenza A Virus to aid in the development and commercial production of vaccines. Influenza A Virus (IAV) is…
A research team from NUS is harnessing high performance computing to quantify the uncertainty of earthquake characteristics and tropical cyclone storm surges to estimate its…
Researchers from NTU are utilising NSCC’s supercomputing resources to improve the performance of learning models in molecular data analysis. AI is expected to play an…
Researchers at NTU are tapping HPC resources to investigate methods to improve turbine blade aerodynamics that could lead to energy and fuel savings. Flow separation is a common…
NSCC’s supercomputing resource is helping researchers gain a better understanding of the true nature of water, and its properties. Although it is one of the most common elements,…
Researchers at NTU are using HPC to automate and more accurately detect visual defects in solar panels in a bid to reduce the workload required for manual inspections. Amid the…
A research team from NUS is tapping on NSCC’s supercomputing resources to develop an urban microclimate model for the local Singapore environment at the NUS Kent Ridge campus…
Researchers from NUS are harnessing the power of supercomputing to understand the mechanism of noise generated by jet engines to reduce the impact of noise emission on the…
Researchers at NTU are using HPC to design smart and autonomous cameras to aid in digital monitoring and crime prevention. Video surveillance systems have been around for many…
Researchers from NTU are utilising NSCC’s supercomputing resources to understand the permeation of antibiotics in order to design new novel antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is…
Harnessing supercomputers to understand the molecular and cellular processes of metastatic cancers and to develop novel therapeutics targeting the disease. Metastasis, which is…
Researchers at SUTD and Yale-NUS are tapping HPC resources to study the occurrence of errors in quantum computations and devise models to better correct errors. A quantum…
Researchers at A*STAR are tapping HPC resources to gain a deeper understanding of the dengue virus in order to design improved therapeutic strategies. Dengue virus (DENV) is a…
Researchers at NUS are tapping HPC resources to gain a deeper understanding on the visual systems of jumping spiders in order to discover how species adapt and diversify. Visual…
NUS researchers leveraging supercomputing to explore hydrogen combustion inhibition methods in order to prevent hazards from occurring. In recent years, hydrogen fuel has…
Researchers from A*STAR leverage high performance computing for cardiovascular disease stratification for early diagnosis and prevention. Cardiovascular disease is the leading…
A*STAR researchers leverage supercomputing to predict immunotherapy outcomes in order to better select treatments best suited for patients. Immunotherapy is a breakthrough cancer…
Researchers at NTU are tapping HPC resources to derive a process for highly selective urea production in order to reduce carbon emissions. Urea (CO(NH2)2) provides low-cost…
Researchers from NTU leverage high-performance computing to develop tools to assess tree health in order to prevent tree falls. For Singapore’s thriving, lush greenery, the…
Researchers from A*STAR leverage high-performance computing (HPC) resources to develop advanced structural model and simulations of the interactions between antigens and…
Researchers from NTU leverage high-performance computing resources to better understand the effects of ozone pollution and develop tools to control emissions in Southeast Asia….
Researchers from Nanyang Technological University leverage high-performance computing resources to better understand the interactions between nanomaterials and biological…
Tackling antibiotic resistance with HPC Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global healthcare issue, which has resulted in 1.27 million deaths in 2019 and is expected to cause 10…
Researchers from NUS are leveraging supercomputing to develop better strategies for prevention and treatment to mitigate the impact of mental illness. The human brain is a marvel…
Researchers from NUS tap on supercomputing to simulate the multi-physical processes of lithium-ion batteriesin order to develop cooling strategies for more advanced battery…
Researchers from NTU tap on high performance computing to identify hazardous airspaces through urban weather simulations in order to facilitate effective route planning and…
Researchers from A*STAR IHPC leverage supercomputing resources to improve the performance of lithium-ion battery technology With the ever-increasing demand in energy storage…
Researchers from NUS utilise high performance computing resources to accelerate the discovery and development of new materials. The development of novel functional materials has…
Researchers from NUS Tropical Marine Science Institute are leveraging supercomputing to fine-tune Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model and downscale hundreds of years of…
Researchers from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) are applying variational graph encoders as an effective generalist algorithm in computer-aided drug design (CADD)….
Researchers from the Institute of High-Performance Computing (IHPC) are utilizing supercomputers to create a digital twin that furnishes users with comprehensive information…
Researchers from the National University of Singapore are creating indoor-adapted crops to increase Singapore’s food production, with the help of NSCC Singapore’s HPC…