1 PFLOPS System

1,288 nodes (dual socket, 12cores/CPU E5-2690v3)
128GB DDR4 RAM/node
10 large memory nodes (1x6TB, 4x2TB, 5x1TB)

Accelerator Nodes

128 nodes with Tesla K40 GPUs

13PB Storage

GPFS & Lustre File Systems
I/O bandwidth up to 500GB/s

Infiniband Interconnection

EDR (100Gbps) Fat Tree with full
bisectional bandwidth within cluster


The ASPIRE 1 Supercomputer was decommissioned on 31st August 2023.

High Bandwidth Multi-Gigabit Network

NSCC’s petascale facility is linked by SingAREN’s high bandwidth multi-gigabit networks (STAR-N) to provide high speed access to users everywhere locally and globally.

Remote Login Nodes

Four geographically distributed campuses with remote login nodes interconnected by InfiniBand with a bandwidth of 40Gbps per remote location to enable access to the petascale facility.

The four campuses are: